Egypt – Antisemitic Article

Dr. Abdallah Al-Nagar wrote in his column “Koran and Muslim Tradition” in Al-Gomhurriya of 9 April 2002, “The Koran proved that the Jews have a remarkable talent for falsifying facts in such a way that heroism is considered a crime and a crime is considered heroism. This is in addition to two other attributes, no less despicable, they are: failure to adhere to commitments and hardheartedness. When they try to explain away their failure to meet commitment, they falsify the facts. This is what they do when they slaughter innocent people – which they do out of the hardness of their hearts, their insensitivity and the hardening of their emotions to the point where they are harder than stone. Thus, throughout this bears witness to the fact that the Koran did not discriminate against them when it described them in this matter, but rather aimed to warn us against them, and therefore we must be wary of their deceptions”.

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