Egypt – New Antisemitic Books

Two new antisemitic books have been published in Egypt recently. The first is a new book published by the establishment publishing company “Dar al-Halal”and was written by Dr. Rashad al-Shami called “The Image of the Israeli Jew and the Spirit of Aggressiveness”. This is an anti-Israeli and antisemitic book dealing, among other things, with the religious sources of Israeli “aggressiveness” as well as that in Jewish tradition and in the bible, and also the influence of the Holocaust (“the events of Nazism”) on today’s Jews and Israelis. The book’s cover shows a snake forming a Star of David in the middle of which there is a picture of a Palestinians carrying someone injured and bleeding.
The second book is called “The Protocols of Sharon’s Early Ancestors on the Annihilation of Religions and Control of the World”, written by Muhammad Abd-al Halim. The book describes the policies of Prime Minister Sharon as part of the implimentation of the Jewish conspiracy as described in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. On the book’s back cover the author connects the publication of the book with the intentions of the Zionists to prevent the publication of the “Protocols”, including on television, as had been the case regarding “The Horseman Without a Horse”.

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