Britain – Antisemitic Caricatures in The Independent

The British newspaper The Independent published a caricature in which Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is taking a bite out of a Palestinian baby, with the caption reading: “What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen a politician kissing a baby”? In the background there appear Apache helicopters launching missiles, with banners reading “Vote Likud” flying from the cockpits. The Israeli Embassy in London sent a letter to the Editor of The Independent protesting “the publication of an antisemitic caricature worthy of Der Sturmer”. The Embassy Spokeswoman stated in her protest that “While Britain does commemorate Holocaust day, The Independent chose to revive an old Jewish stereotype remeniscent of Der Sturmer – an image of thirst for blood, which not only distorts the real reason for the Israeli army’s activities in Gaza, but also arouses hatred of Israel and the Jewish People….. A line must be drawn between legitimate criticism of Israel and antisemitism disguised as criticism of that kind”.

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