United States – Congressman Accuses Jews of Pushing the U.S. Towards War With Iraq

A public debate has developed around remarks made by Representative Jim Moran, Democrat of Virginia, in an address before a group of 120 people on 3rd March 2003. In this address he clained that it was American Jewry that was pushing the United States to go to war. Moran, added that the leaders of that community “were influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going”. The Jewish Community was quick to react and demanded an apology from Moran. Several days later Moran apologized, claiming that he had been trying to say that if more religious organizations came out against the war, they would be able to prevent it. Other members of Congress criticized Moran claiming that he had made serious and unacceptable accusations and that he had not apologized properly. On 14th March, Moran was forced to resign his post as the Democratic Party’s Regional Whip in Congress. Nevertheless, Moran stressed that he had no intention of resigning from Congress or of not running again in the next elections.

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