Brazil- Antisemitic Letter Send to FIERJ Office in Rio de Janeiro

On 19th April 2003, a nasty letter was received at the office of the Israel Federation, FRIEJ, in Rio de Janeiro. It contained an article entitled “Israel is Showing Interest in Iraqi Oil”. There is also a message for the President of FRIEJ. “Read the attached article carefully. As you can see, the Jews are SOBs. Wherever you are you screw everybody up. Hitler was right. Compared to you, Hitler was no more than a petty criminal. Take off the mask and you will see your real face. All of you should go to Israel but leave your stolen money here. The Jews already invaded Syria in 1967, took the Golan Heights and the water sources. Now you will join up with the Americans and kill Syrians. Take the opportunity to kill lots of Palestinians so as to finish the job. The Jews are killers like the Nazis”.

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