Egypt – Accusations of Jewish and Israeli Involvement in the Attack in Istanbul

Jamal al-Badawi wrote in an artilce in Al-Wafd “It is possible that the attack in Istanbul was an attempt by the Jewish terrorist organizations to bring about an improvement in Israel’s world image…”. He goes on to say “One could find in these attacks the ‘finger of world Zionism’ which is interested in resmirching the image of the Arabs and of Islam, and in establishing their historic image in the minds of the European world, the United States and Israel”.
Two days previously, on 16th November, the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Wafd ‘Abas al-Trabili, accused the “Zionists”of planning and executing this attack “with the aim of blackening the image of the Arabs and the Muslims in order to arouse feelings of identification in the world to the suffering of the Jews”.

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