Canada – An Antisemitic Article by the Radical Right Wing in a Muslim Journal

A Muslim newspaper called “The Miracle”, distributed in 2500 copies in the town of Delta, British Columbia, published an article by a well-known American racist Edgar Steele, from Idaho. In the article, Steele claimed that the Holocaust had not occurred and blamed the Jews for the 9/11 attacks, for the assassination of President Kennedy, for the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s, for both World Wars and so forth. The matter is now under investigation by the Hate Crimes Division of the local police, but the paper’s editor said that he did not regret publishing the article claiming that it was part of freedom of expression, although he did not necessarily agree with its contents. In a press release, the Canadian Jewish Congress said that the fact that an article of that kind had appeared in a Canadian newspaper was horrifying and that it was an example of racist garbage repeating antisemitic lies.

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