Britain – Torching of Two Synagogues in London

On 17th and 18th June 2004, two synagogues were torched in London. In the first instance, vandals broke into the storage eroom of a synagogue in South Tottenham in London and stole a roll of toilet paper. After they had removed the bars from the window of a small synagogue attached to the main sanctuary, they set fire to the roll of toilet paper and tossed it into the synagogue. The burning roll set fire to a number of sacred books, some of which were over 100 years old and had been smuggled out of Germany and Poland by Jews who fled after Crystal Night. Construction workers working nearby noticed the smoke and tried to put out the fire. When their attempts failed, they called in the fire fighters. The synagogue suffered considerable damage.

In the second instance, the Center of the Esh Hatorah Educational Organization in Britain located in the Hendon section of London was set on fire. The organization’s offices, located on the first floor were completely destroyed by the fire, and damage was also caused to a building housing a synagogue. Two Torah scrolls were torn up and many sacred books went up in flames. In addition, writings, representing years of work by rabbis, were destroyed.

Since late 2000 over 100 synagogues have been desecrated in Britain.

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