Britain – Trashing of the Jewish Students Association Booth at a Conference in London

The annual conference of the European Social Forum was held in London between 15th and 17th September 2004. The ESF is an international organization established in 2002 to take action against wars, racism and globalization. Jewish student leaders decided to participate in the conference despite the forum’s pro-Palestinian stance and sent representatives of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS), a middle-of-the-road organization of Jewish students.  The aim of the UJS participation was to deliver a message of peace and co-existence and towards that end they set up a booth which displayed literature on the Holocaust and pamphlets favoring the two-state solution in the Middle East. On the first day of the conference they discovered that the booth had been trashed on Saturday when the booth was unattended. Israeli and Palestinian flags were stolen from the table as was a siddur (a prayer book). The vandals littered the booth, leaving behind Palestinian leaflets. It should be noted of the 200 booths set up, the only one vandalized was that of the UJS. The ESF organizers displayed total indifference to the incident and did absolutely nothing about it.

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