Britain – Antisemitic E-mail Sent to Jewish Organization in London

On 13 January a Jewish organization in London received an antisemitic e-mail. The mail related to the recent event of Prince Harry wearing a Nazi costume. The sender wrote: Maybe Prince Harry has been reading a filthy Talmud and realizes it’s time to start eliminating the serpent race (Khazars)  from Great Britain and the rest of the world. Mr. Hitler was correct in his dealings with the scum of the earth. (Satan’s Offsprings). I am sorry to relate to you that the so-called holocaust never happened and if it had, who would care? You get what you deserve. On the same day, another antisemitic e-mail was sent to a Jewish organization in London in the same connection regarding Harry. This time the sender stressed that the Prince had a great costume and that everybody is sick and tired of the victim propaganda of the Jews.

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