Belgium – Antisemitic Remarks Published in the Cine-Tele-Revue Magazine

In a column called “Pearls” which appears in the Cine-Tele-Revue, reference was made to antisemitic comments voiced on the “Archives” program broadcast over the 2nd Channel. The column reports on a dialogue with a skinhead who said “The Jews, we’ll be the ones who will screw them like we did in 1940.  6 million? This time we’ll annihilate 14 million”? The interview answered him: “There are those who claim that the gas crematoria did not exist”. The skinhead” “They did so exist! That was good; they found an efficient method…” After letters of protests had been sent in by many readers and the Consistoire Central Israelite in Belgium, in its next edition the magazine published some clarifications regarding the “Pearls” column, and apologized to those who had been offended by the column. 

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