Austria – David Irving Continues to Spew His Antisemitic Propaganda from Prison

Despite the prison term he received and despite the prosecution’s demands for even stronger punishment, David Irving continues to disseminate his antisemitic rhetoric from within the walls of his prison. Irving claims that the Jews in the United States, like the Jews who were in Germany during the 1930s, command disproportionate power in the spheres of business, the media and the entertainment industry. He said, I honestly believe that within 20-30 years the problems facing them will be the same as those facing the Jews in Nazi Germany. He went on to say that the Jews expect special consideration, and special consideration – as we have seen – leads to Sonderbehandlung a term used by the Nazis for the rounding-up, expulsion and annihilation of six million Jews in World War II. Irving added: Freedom of speech is the right to say the things to which others are opposed and don’t want to hear. Freedom of speech is also the right to err, and they have deprived me of that…. I know why I’m not popular. I don’t know why I’m hated. I know what needs to be done in order gain favor. But the Jews have been hated for 3000 years. That’s a known fact. (Yedioth Aharonoth)

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