USA – Racist flyers distributed in Colorado

The Nationalist Coalition is conducting a “Love Your Race” campaign between Feb. 9-18, during which it is distributing flyers in the windshields and driveways of Boulder County homes. The flyer depicts a blond woman below the motto “Love Your Race” and prints the group’s Web address and phone number. A recorded answering message says the Nationalist Coalition is “the foremost organization working for the long-term interests of white Americans.”

A visit to their Web site reveals a litany of their other flyers, some of which criticize immigrants but most of which chastise Jewish people. One flyer decries “Anne Frank Hoax Exposed” with the subhead, “Clever Jew made millions from dead daughter.”

The Web site even offers a quiz “how Anti-Semitic are you?” – with questions such as “Generally speaking, the Jews are physically attractive. Yes, No, or Not Sure?”

Date: February 13, 2007


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