Egypt– An Antisemitic Caricature in Al-Gumhuriya

On 11th March 2007, the Egyptian daily Al-Gumhuriya published an antisemitic caricature in reaction to the Israeli film “The Spirit of Shaked” about the “Shaked Commando” army unit, which was broadcast on Israel Television Channel One several weeks ago. The Egyptians claimed that the unit, under the command of Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, had been responsible for the murder of 250 Egyptian unarmed POWs in the Sinai at the end of the Six-Day War. In the caricature, an Israeli officer, drawn as a Jew in the style of Der Stiemer, is shown as saying: “We could not withstand the temptation… especially after we had discovered that they (the Egyptian soldiers) were unarmed”! Near the officers a man is shown holding a newspaper with the words “The crime of murdering the POWs”. Behind the officer an Israeli flag is shown with the Star of David in the center and superimposed on that is a swastika.

Date: 11/03/07
Posted: 25/03/07

Source: ADL
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