Canada – Shabazz Refused Entry into Canada

The leader of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, has been refused entry into the country.

Public Safety Minister Monte Kwinter said that Shabazz has been put on a plane back to the U-S.
He was turned away by Canada Customs at Pearson International Airport based on a misdemeanor five years ago.

Shabazz, one of the more contentious figures in the U.S. because of allegations of anti-semitism and an anti-police position, was scheduled to speak at Ryerson and lead a rally at Queen’s Park after being invited by the group Black Youth Taking Action.
While that group is blaming media attention, they also point the finger at what they’re calling the “powerful Jewish lobby” which they suggest holds sway with officials at Queen’s Park.

Date: May, 15 2007

Posted: May, 16 2007
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