Egypt – Antisemitic Comments by a Senior Egyptian Official

On 16th September 2007, an interview with the Deputy Chair of the Egyptian Human Rights Council was published in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Gumhuriyya. In answer to a question on the reasons for the West’s animosity towards Islam he said: “The first reason is that the Jews are trying in all sorts of ways to weaken the Muslim and to establish blocs not only against Muslims by also against other religions”. He went on to say: “The Jews are escalating their campaign against Islam and present themselves as the victims of the Nazi while forgetting that the Nazis also opposed other religions. Among the names of the Nazi victims there are also those of Arabs and Muslims, but it is clear that they don’t mention that. They have succeeded in apply pressure in order to get reparations for themselves for the ostensible torture of the Jews”.
Date: Sep 16, 2007
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