Poland – Polish right-wing party accused of running anti-Semitic campaign ad

A right-wing party ran a campaign ad Monday suggesting Polish lives have been put in danger in Iraq to serve Jewish and U.S. interests, and it immediately drew accusations of anti-Semitism.

The League of Polish Families TV spot features footage of President Lech Kaczynski, first at a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush, and then with Orthodox Jews at Israel’s Western Wall, where he dons a yarmulke. The words our allies, are flashed across the scene. “They put us in the line of attack.”
A grim voiceover then warns: “It is our nation that is going to fall victim. Let the nation decide.”

The advertisement – issued as part of campaigning for Sunday’s general election – sparked a firestorm of criticism. Jacek Kurski, a lawmaker with the governing Law and Justice party, slammed it as a pathetic masquerade that was seasoned with some anti-Semitism.
League of Polish Families leader Roman Giertych defended the spot, saying it was not anti-Semitic but insisting there is a connection between the war in Iraq and Israel.

One can be against the war in Iraq without being an anti-Semite,” Giertych said at a news conference.
This ad shows the cooperation between Poland and the U.S., and Poland and Israel – we have a right to criticize it. The war in Iraq threatens our country and this is why the Polish troops should be pulled out from Iraq as soon as possible.”

But Poland’s chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, noted that the sequence of images was laid out in such a way as to provoke a negative feeling about Kaczynski being at the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest place.
You see the tanks, you feel bad, you see people being blown up, you feel bad, you see President Kaczynski at the Wall, you feel bad,”

Now the question is why should someone feel bad about President Kaczynski being at the Western Wall? What is negative about the president of the country visiting a holy site?”
Poland’s Stop War movement, which opposes Polish involvement in Iraq, immediately distanced itself from the ad, saying it has strong anti-Semitic connotations.

The party is also closely linked to a youth movement, the All-Polish Youth – founded by Giertych in 1989 – which has attacked gay rights activists and used Nazi slogans and gestures.

Date: 16.10.2007
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