Poland – Polish rabbi attacked in a train

Rabbi Icchak Rapaport was attacked by the young man while he was sitting in a Wroclaw-Warsaw train.

I was simply sitting and reading a book in the first class compartment“, the rabbi told. “This guy saw me wearing a yarmulke. He started shouting: What are you, a kike?”
For nearly ten minutes the youngster insulted the rabbi, threatened his life and waved his fists just in front of the rabbi’s face.

“I was afraid to react, because I didn’t know if he had a knife,’’ the rabbi said.
The situation became more tense and scary. The rabbi stood up and said he needs to stretch his legs. “Sit down you Jewish wh…,” yelled the attacker.

The rabbi kept being calm, stretched and sat down. Then the youngster went away.
“The worst thing was that there were a lot of people around and no one reacted,” the rabbi complained. “It really sounded seriously.”

The police didn’t find the offender.

Date: Oct 28, 2007

By Piotr Łukasz

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