Britain– David Irving Threatens to Sue the Jewish Chronicle

On 26th October 2007, Holocaust denier David Irving began a series of lectures all over Britain, beginning in Birmingham. On 14th November, he is scheduled to appear in Coventry and on 26th November, in Liverpool and Halifax. The tour comes only 10 months after his release from prison in Austria, where he was convicted of denying the Holocaust, a criminal offense in Austria. The Jewish Chronicle reported on Irving’s return to activities, referring to him as a Holocaust denier. In reaction, Irving sent a sharp letter to the paper’s editors, threatening to sue them for slander if they repeated the accusation that he denies the Holocaust. He claimed that he has recently admitted that the Germans did kill Jews, 2.4 million in number, in the Treblinka, Belzen and Sobibor camps. Regarding Auschwitz, he expressed some doubts.
Date: October 26, 2007
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