Germany – Swastika carved into 17-year-old girl’s skin

A 17-year-old girl reported Saturday that four neo-Nazis attacked her and carved a swastika into her skin.
Police were investigating the teenager’s allegation that the men attacked her after she tried to help a 6-year-old girl from the former Soviet Union who was being harassed by the group in the eastern town of Mittweida.
The four suspects allegedly threw the teenager on the ground and three of them pressed her down while the fourth one carved a swastika on her hip with a scalpel-like knife, police said.
The incident occurred November 3rd, but the 17-year-old girl did not report it immediately, police said. The younger girl confirmed the attack, they said.
The identities of the suspects and the two girls were not revealed, and there have been no arrests. One 19-year-old suspect was briefly detained, then released, police said.

Date: Nov. 24, 2007

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