Britain – Controversial Oxford University debate goes on despite protests

Hundreds of demonstrators changed anti-fascist slogans, sang songs and waved placards outside the Oxford Union Debating Society, where David Irving, who was jailed in Austria for denying the Holocaust, and British National Party (BNP) head Nick Griffin, were speaking.
Undergraduates with tickets to the event endured chants of “Nazi scum” and “shame on you” from hundreds of protesters from Oxford colleges and the Unite Against Fascism campaign group in a narrow street in central Oxford.
A group of 30 demonstrators managed to break through a security cordon outside the building and staged a sit-in protest on stage, delaying the event by more than an hour as they sang songs until they were persuaded to leave.
Anti extreme-right British National Party (BNP) demonstrators protest 27 November 2007 as Nick Griffin of The British National Party and Holocaust-denying historian David Irving attend a debate on free speech at the Oxford Union in Oxford.
Security at the event was so tight that organizers separated the speakers into two groups with Irving in one room and Griffin in another.
As a result of the throng of protesters, nearly half of the students with tickets to the event could not attend the debate.
Date: Nov. 27, 2007

By Henri Stein

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