Germany – Neo-Nazi party chief questions Holocaust deaths

The head of the German neo-Nazi party NPD, Udo Voigt, has questioned the number of Holocaust deaths and demanded the return of German land lost after World War II.

“Six million cannot be right. At most, 340,000 people could have died in Auschwitz,” Voigt said in excerpts from the interview that were released in advance.
“The Jews always say: ’Even if one Jew died that is a crime.’ But of course it makes a difference whether one has to pay for six million people or for 340,000,” the head of the National Democratic Party added.

“And that also puts paid to the uniqueness of this big crime, or so-called big crime,” Voigt added in comments initially made in an interview with Iranian journalists that was to be rebroadcast on the political program – Report Mainz.

Date: Dec. 10, 2007
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