France – Young Jewish man attacked in Paris

Raymond. A, a 17-year-old Jewish man, who wears a skullcap, was waiting on Shabbat for someone to open the door of the building where he lives, on the rue Albert Camus, when around twenty young people described as being of North African and Black origin attacked him violently at the face and the body after pronouncing his name.

One of the aggressors, Raymond reported, was a raid-haired man who did not cease swearing on the Koran while beating his victim.
Raymond was saved by a Jewish neighbor who went out from his home at the same time.

“He saved my life,” the young man said.
A witness called police which arrived quickly on the spot and tried in vain to chase the aggressors.

Raymond was brought in shock to the hospital with wounds at the face and several bruises on the body.
The victim, who is minor, and his parents, have lodged a complaint.


Date: Dec. 19, 2007

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