Brazil – Brazilian singer speaks out against Jewish community

The Jewish community in Brazil is up in arms after renowned Brazilian singer, Nana Caymmi, made blatantly ant-Semitic remarks during a recent interview. Caymmi is one of Brazil’s most popular singers, and daughter to Dorival Caymmi, one of the country’s foremost composers.

In an interview with British publication Queen Magazine, Caymmi was asked about her son’s long battle with drug addiction. The singer stated that “it is pure hell. You cannot imagine the drama I live with. I constantly ask myself why I need suffer so. I am not Jewish, I did not crucify Jesus.”
Needless to say, Caymmi’s statements incurred the wrath of the Brazilian Jewish community, which demanded that the singer make a public apology. This apology was not long in the waiting.

A few days later, Caymmi apologized to the Jewish community in an announcement published in the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.
“In reference to the Queen article,” said Caymmi, “I just want to say that the statements I made were unfortunate, and do not reflect my true feelings. I had no intention of offending the Jewish community, with whom I have always had a good relationship. I truly respect the Jewish and Israeli community.”

Date: Jan 23, 2008

By Shlomi Laufer
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