Czech Republic – Neo-Nazi demonstration canceled in Pilsen

Fears of a large neo-Nazi demonstration planned for the 19th January, on the anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Pilsen to Theresienstadt turned out to be unfounded.

The invitation to the demonstration was posted on an international neo-Nazi website. The mayor of Pilsen subsequently banned the march and ultimately only a few dozen neo-Nazis turned up. These faced protesting Jews and Leftist groups, the latter having organized an open air concert. A large number of police were prepared for a confrontation and this deterred the neo-Nazis from demonstrating for “freedom of speech” and they resorted into going to a pub. Three neo-Nazis from Poland were arrested for making the “Heil Hitler” salute.
Due to the ban, the right-wing radicals moved the location of their march to Prague and

The demonstration at the Paladskeho Square in Prague attracted only 150 neo-Nazis including only a few from Germany.
Sources: ABC Prague, euro/

Date: Jan 21, 2008
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