Dutch antisemitism revisited

A poll taken earlier this month found that only 53 percent of the Dutch would consider voting for a Jewish prime minister. In the rankings, Jews figured far behind women (93%), homosexuals (78%) and blacks (75%), but well before Muslims (27%) and people over 70.

  The attorney-general’s National Center on Discrimination found that in 2006, one-third of reported cases of discrimination concerned anti-Semitism. Jews, however, represent only about 0.2% percent of the population, and discriminating against them is sometimes rather difficult because many are so assimilated that they cannot be easily recognized as Jews, even by other Jews.

The Monitoring Center for Discrimination on the Internet oversees Dutch-language Web sites. The number of complaints recorded concerning anti-Semitism is equal to those regarding anti-Islamic statements. Yet look at the ratio: There are 30 times more Muslims in the Netherlands than Jews.
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