USA – Yale launches international anti-Semitism network

Yale University in the United States has launched an international association to link researchers on anti-Semitism.

The ‘International Association for the Study of Anti-Semitism’, to be headquartered at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut, is a product of the Yale Initiative on the Study of Anti-Semitism. The launch was announced at the Global Forum on Anti-Semitism held this week in Jerusalem.
Charles Small, the director of the Yale initiative, told the assembly that the new association wanted to bring together scholars from institutes around the world to ease the exchange of information and promote research. Small said he hoped the association would help “organize and harness the expertise on this subject matter,” especially “during these times when some national leaders and social movements call openly for the destruction of Israel and its people in the most heinous manner, while other leaders and scholars in other parts of the world do not want to fathom this rapidly changing reality.”

Membership is open to scholars and professionals in the field, research institutions, universities and their departments, and associations with active scholars exploring related fields.

Date: February 26, 2008

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