Belgium– anti-Semitic comments during the Skynet forum

An article was published on two decisions of the defense minister, Pieter De Crem. One, not to provide a Ministry of Defense bus, as accustomed until then, for the Belgium survivors of Buchenwald during their annual visit and second, not to continue and support the “European Youth for Democracy and Freedom” project that lead a special train with 40 youngsters from many countries traveling between Brussels and Weimar so they can visit Buchenwald and Dora between April 10 – 14.
Following this article, several anti-Semitic comments were made on the Skynet forum. Rozilia wrote that the Jews are those who control the world. She is glad that something was done regarding this situation, but says it is not enough. She also claims that they preferred working in the camps in exchange for food and salary but “Daddy’s son finds it hard to work”. She added that all those that were in the camp should stay quiet since they received a high salary while others who were committed to their country received only the minimum.
Her comments were deleted from the forum.
Date: February 17, 2008
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