Iran – Iranian government Web site promotes Holocaust denial

The massacre of Jewish people during the Holocaust was “scientifically impossible,” according to an article published by an Iranian satellite channel on its Web site.

The article was written by Nicholas Kollerstrom, an academic specializing in astronomy, who had his fellowship terminated by University College London last month after he said there were never any gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Press TV, an Iranian English-language 24-hour news channel, was set up last year, by the Iranian government, to offer “unbiased” reporting and “in-depth and complete analyses of current affairs,” according to its Web site. It posted Kollerstrom’s article on Sunday, and despite protest from a Jewish community organization, the article is still on the site.
In the article, titled
“The Walls of Auschwitz‚”
Kollerstrom argues that “the alleged massacre of Jewish people by gassing during World War II was scientifically impossible.”
Kollerstrom’s work is also hosted on the Web site of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust‚ which also promotes the works of Holocaust deniers David Irving of England and Ernst Zundel of Germany.
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