Belgium – A street performance on the occasion of “Nachba” (Catastrophe) Day with Anti-Semitic overtones.

On May 24, a street performance was staged in the town of Nivelles that showed Palestinians being chased out of their homes and taken away on trucks by Israeli soldiers. The incident was presented as an Israeli version of the Holocaust. The event was organized by Paix Juste au Proche-Orient Nivelles (The Nivelles Just Peace for the Near East) a pro-Palestinian organization
and was publicized on the official site of the Brabant Wallon Cultural Center.
 At the end of the performance, speeches were made by two senior Belgian politicians, André Flahaut, a former Minister of Defense who serves at present as a Member of the Belgian Parliament and as Municipal Advisor to the city of Nivelles, and Thérése Snoy, a Member of the Belgian Parliament for the Green Party. The speakers compared Israeli actions in the Occupied Territories to those of the Nazis during the Holocaust.

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