Britain – Brown tells Knesset will fight academic boycott of Israel

Gordon Brown became the first British prime minister to address the Knesset, and opened his statements in Hebrew to extend his best wishes to the country as it marks its 60th anniversary: “Mazal tov Israel, shalom aliechem,” he said.

Brown, pledged the UK and its European partners are prepared to tighten the sanctions imposed on Tehran should it choose to ignore calls to suspend its pursuit of nuclear arms.
“To those who question Israel’s very right to exist, and threaten the lives of your citizens through terror, we say: the people of Israel have a right to live here, to live freely and to live in security,” said Brown.

“And to those who believe that threatening statements fall upon indifferent ears, we say in one voice: it is totally abhorrent for the president of Iran to call for Israel to be wiped from the map of the world.”
He pledged the British government would fight against any attempt to boycott Israeli academia.
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