USA – Antisemitism in jury room

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) asked a Missouri appeals court to order a lower court to investigate allegations that anti-Semitic comments permeated a St. Louis jury room during deliberations about a civil matter.

The case revolves around shocking allegations by a jury member that fellow jury members used viciously antisemitic slurs to describe two key Jewish defense witnesses. After the verdict was announced, a juror approached the defendant’s counsel, and said that other jurors had made antisemitic remarks during deliberations. A second juror confirmed that there was antisemitism in the jury room.
One juror alleged that she had heard another jury member call one witness “…a Jewish witch;” “… a Jewish bitch;” “…. a penny-pinching Jew;” and “…. a cheap Jew….” Another comment was made referring to the owner and president of the defendant company (also a key witness), that “the Jew . . . makes [millions] per year and should pay money to the Plaintiff in this case.”

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