Germany – a textbook taking on anti – Semitism and prejudices.

Are all the Jews rich? Do Christians hate Jews? Do the Jews really control Wall Street? A new textbook, published in Germany, is trying to deal with this kind of questions and address prejudices, stereotypes, and myths about Jews. In a format
of questions and answers, the authors hope to provide young Germans with the tools to cope with the radical right – wing movements’ anti – Semitic arguments.

Published by the Ann Frank Center branch in Berlin, with the cooperation of the Amsterdam center, the book, called “All Jews Are… 50 Questions about Anti – Semitism” (Alle Juden Sind … 50 Fragen zum Antisemitismus), is a collection of historical, religious and political facts about Jews.
“60 years after World War II, old lies are still circulated and new ones are made up about a religious minority. This kind of allegations has already caused persecutions and extermination”, the Ann Frank Center stated.

And examples are aplenty: “Jews are extortionists”, “They control the capital market” and “They murdered Jesus”, are some of the classic anti – Semitic arguments to which the book provides answers. It also deals with more contemporary allegations. For example, the question “Is Israel doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the Jews?” is discussed in the chapter about “Israel and the Middle East”. According to Katharine Neuhauzer of the Ann-Der-Rohr publishing house, where the book was printed, “The book discusses simple questions, such as ‘How many Jews are there in the world?’ along with more complex issues like ‘Is criticizing Israel considered anti – Semitism?’“
Another claim discussed in the book is the one about “The takeover of Hollywood by the Jews” to which the authors answer that “It is a well known fact that Jewish immigrants of Polish descent were among the most important founders of the big studios in Hollywood”, mentioning some famous names in the industry, like Samuel Goldwin and Jack and Harry Warner. However, very few are aware of the history of anti – Semitism in the film industry in Hollywood, or the “Jews films” that were produced during the 1920s, portraying the Jews as criminal and greedy.
“These films
were very popular. Films of this genre were produced at the rate of about two a week”, the book states in an attempt to refute common arguments about Jewish control in the film industry.
One of series of books that have been published in Germany lately, this project also deals with the subjects of the Holocaust, anti – Semitism and xenophobia, in a manner that is quite different from the standard textbooks, which tend to alienate the young students.

At the beginning of the year a comic book by the name of “the Search” (Die Suche) about one Jewish family deported from Amsterdam to Auschwitz was published.


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