Ukraine – Orthodox Church spreads antisemitic propaganda

A Ukrainian reporter spotted antisemitic leaflets inside a Russian Orthodox cathedral affiliated with the Moscow
atriarchate in Kamenets-Podolsky, Ukraine.
Posters calling for a boycott of kosher products hang outside the city’s Aleksandr Nevsky Cathedral. Inside the cathedral, a newspaper article is posted claiming that “kikes” were behind the creation of “Ukraine” (referred to with pejorative quotation marks, along with the term “Ukrainian language”). Supposedly, “kikes don’t like the words Russia and Russians” so they created an artificial state called Ukraine to divide and weaken the Russian empire. Somehow, this Jewish conspiracy was behind both the Russian Revolution that brought the Communists to power in 1917 and the 2004
range Revolution, all in the service of brainwashing the nation in the service of the USA.
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