Hungary – Neo-Nazi attack at Jewish theater

An acid and feces attack at the Budapest Jewish Theater just before Rosh Hashanah 
 has revived concerns about increasing antisemitism in Hungary.

The attack, which occurred after the premiere of a provocative parody of porn, is believed to be the first open and physical attack against Jews since the country’s democratic transition in 1989.
Gecy” opened Sept. 27 at Siraly, this city’s trendy Jewish pub-cultural center in the area of the former ghetto. The next day, after the second performance, with the audience milling around the theater, six or seven masked neo-Nazis appeared on the street.

In what appeared to be a choreographed attack, one shot acid from a water pistol at the director of the show, Ferenc Sebo, then spilled a bucket of pig feces over him.
People standing near Sebo were splashed and shot with acid. The attackers beat Sebo when he threw his glass at one of them, then ran into the pub to shoot acid at others. A bystander trying to help Sebo was beaten badly and remained in the hospital this week. Police arrived too late to catch the attackers.

The theater’s director said people associated with the show had been receiving threatening messages for several weeks prior to the opening.
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