Germany – Antisemitic scandal in state parliament

Member of State Parliament Tino Müller was excluded from a session of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerianian State Parliament. After declaring in a parliamentary speech that he thought the Jews themselves were responsible for the violent pogroms against their life and property in Germany in November 1938.

Müller, a member of the National Democratic Party (NPD), was addressing the Parliament and arguing in favor of a resolution submitted by his party to fight “Anti-Germanism”. He believes that this phenomenon was and is still virulent in Germany. After being warned twice by the President of the State Parliament, Sylivia Bretschneider of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), not to distort history, he was excluded from the session and his microphone was switched off. Since he continued on with his revisionist speech he was punished with exclusion from the coming three sessions of parliament.
Raimund Borrmann, a fellow NPD member, continued Müller’s speech and went on to claim that there were no official reports known to him that the violent attacks of November 1938 constituted specifically targeted actions. Following this remark, Borrmann was also denied the right to continue the speech.

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