Britain – Hove driver ‘gave traffic warden a Nazi salute and antisemitic remarks’

A motorist “fed up” with traffic wardens handing him tickets is accused of spitting at a female attendant and giving another a Nazi salute.

Brighton Magistrates’ Court was told that Daniel Porter had also displayed a parking voucher defaced with a swastika in one of three incidents involving traffic wardens.
Porter, 29, of Portland Road,

, denies common assault and racially aggravated harassment.

The court was told how on February 28 Porter spat at a female attendant after she slapped a penalty ticket on his VW Golf parked in Adelaide Crescent, Hove.
In March an attendant saw his car parked with a visitor voucher in the windscreen which had been defaced with a swastika symbol as well as abusive words.

He was given a ticket as the parking attendant decided the voucher was no longer valid.
On May 21 three parking attendants were walking along Sackville Road, Hove, when Porter allegedly ran up to them and asked a female attendant if she had accused him of spitting at her. A colleague, Gavin Marshall, asked Porter if he had drawn a swastika on a visitor permit. Brian Noel, prosecuting, said Porter then made a Nazi salute and antisemitic remarks.

When Porter was later arrested he denied spitting or being abusive.
He also denied drawing a swastika on the voucher, claiming a friend drew it. At the police station Porter is alleged to have written the letters BNP on his charge sheet.

Agata Sznura
Mr Noel said: “This man is a racist who has a problem with parking attendants who have given him
tickets. He has responded by assaulting one attendant and racially insulting another.” Yesterday attendant Agata Sznura told the court she was crying after Porter shouted and swore at her before spitting.
She said only a small amount of spittle landed on her arm.

Miss Sznura, who gave evidence from behind a screen, said: “He was very upset. I said I am going to walk away and he said to me ‘You are going nowhere.’ “I was frightened he was going to do something really stupid. I was a bit afraid of him.”
He also denied drawing a swastika on the voucher, claiming a friend drew it. At the police station Porter is alleged to have written the letters BNP on his charge sheet.


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