2001-2008 Antisemitism report in European Union

Conflicts between Israel and Palestine have spurred hatred towards Jews
in 19 countries of the European Union.


Antisemitism is on the rise throughout Europe because of events in the
Middle East, especially because of the Israeli attacks on Gaza, according to a
research of the Fundamental Rights Agency. The image of an antisemite as a
“right wing skinhead” has also changed, information gathered in 19 European
countries states, which also points to a rise of physical violence against Jews
and the Jewish culture in the European Union.


In France, where such cases are carefully monitored,
antisemitism has been constantly on the rise from 2002 until 2004, which is
connected, according to researches, with the development of the conflict
between Israel and Palestine territories.


The research was complicated with the fact that it was impossible to
compare the countries amongst themselves, because individual EU members have
different mechanisms for monitoring these offences and recording them.


Many countries lack official and unofficial figures on the number of
attacks on Jews, or antisemitic acts in general. For instance, France and the
Czech Republic have offices in interior ministries which monitor the attacks on
certain ethnic or religious groups, while Belgium does not store information on
such attacks. Denmark does not differentiate antisemitic ttacks from others.

Antisemitism – Summary overview of the situation in the EU 2001-2008 – February

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