USA – Parks worker suffered “climate of bigotry,” judge finds

A judge found that a Jewish City Park worker suffered “pattern of antisemitic harassment” from his co-workers at the Forestry Division headquarters in Castleton Corners.

Judge John Spooner declared today that 40 year-old Alan Spitalnik of Mariners Harbor worked under a “climate of bigotry”, where swastikas were written on his locker, co-workers did the goose step, and there were taunts that Spitalnilk should be thrown into the ovens. The Judge called the harassment “cruel, bullying pranks calculated to humiliate and demean”.

Spooner also said Parks supervisors neglected to do anything about the harassment, which was done by three of Spitalnik’s colleagues.

Two were fired recently, and one quit, according to the City Parks Department.

“The Parks Department does not tolerate prejudice of any kind and took immediate and severe action,” said a spokesman. “These terminations send a serious signal throughout the agency that such violations are not tolerated.”


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