USA – RNC pulls game selling offensive items

A Republican National Committee online game that challenges players to spend trillions of dollars was taken down today after reports that it offered some objectionable items for sale – including sexually explicit, antisemitic and anti-Latino items.

The game was designed to drive home to Young Republicans how much could be purchased with the $3.4 trillion President Obama requested in his budget by asking players to charge everyday items to their “Obama Card.”

But it turns out some of the items for sale weren’t so kosher.

Searching for something for your Jewish grandmother? Type in the word “Jew” and you’ll find the book “The Jews and Their Lies” for sale right next to “Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe.”

RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said the website pulls its inventory from, but developers didn’t realize that Amazon stocked potentially offensive items.


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