Egypt – Children’s TV show teaches antisemitism

Egypt’s Al-Rahma network is airing several antisemitic programs including children’s shows where kids memorize and recite antisemitic slogans, and discussions and speeches from numerous sheiks which call Jews “offspring of snakes and vipers”, call for reading “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, and state that “our hatred of the Jews is purely on religious grounds.”

In one example, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
translated an Islamist children’s program which aired on Al-Rahma TV


“Child: ‘Oh Allah, completely destroy and shatter the Jews. Oh Allah, torment them with a disease that has no cure or remedy. Send a thunderbolt down upon them from Heaven. Oh Allah, torment them with every kind of torment.’” Replied the host: “Well done. Well done. I let him end the program on purpose. Of course, he memorized this, and the understanding will come, Allah willing. But this is one stage in becoming a future preacher.”


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