Japan – Antisemitic ad in Nihon Keizai Shimbun

The advertisement for “Why did the Jewish financial system collapse?” (author: Kotaro Nada), appeared on page 6 of the Tokyo edition, was placed by publisher Apple Shuppan. The ad asks rhetorically, “Is it true that the Rothschild family controls the global economy?” and purports to explain what was behind the failures of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citibank and Bear Stearns.

The ad also touts a second work by Nada titled “Jewish Money: Why are they able to continue to move the global economy?”

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun boasts a claimed daily circulation of over 3 million copies. It is often compared to The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.

The Wiesenthal Center had made previous efforts to dissuade the Nikkei from providing space for offensive ads.


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