Holland – Dutch journalist: Flu pandemics are Jewish conspiracy

A journalist from Holland who linked Jews to the recent outbreak of flu pandemics drew heavy criticism from a prominent Dutch Jewish organization, that claimed her words were tantamount to antisemitic blood libels.

Holland’s largest daily, De Telegraf last week printed an interview with Désirée Röver, 61, who proposed the bird flu pandemic, caused by the virus H5N1, was part of an international conspiracy to reduce the world’s population.

Röver is quoted as saying the conspiracy can be traced back to a group of descendants of the Khazars, a nation from the Caucasus believed to have converted to Judaism 1,200 years ago.

De Telegraaf quotes her as saying that these descendants are now “praying to another god; Lucifer, Satan, or however you want to call him” and “are called Rockefeller, Rothschild, Brezinski and Kissinger.”

Ronny Naftaniel, who heads the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel (CIDI) – an local antisemitism watchdog, said that this is the first time he has heard such claims from Rover, and added that based on her words, “she does not seem to be right in her head.”

Tales of Jews spreading disease “is nothing new and stories of Jews poisoning the water wells are known from many centuries ago and her words are giving rise to that antisemitism.”


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