Israel – Swastikas sprayed on Petah Tikva yeshiva

Crosses, swastikas and slanderous graffiti were sprayed Saturday night on the walls of a yeshiva in Petah Tikva’s Rothschild Street.

Police promised to catch the offenders and said in a statement that “this is a violation of a holy place and we do not believe it is a prank”.

Petah Tikva councilman Yaakov Fellheimer said, “How dare they do such a thing? This is an affront – just like the Nazis killed all the Jews, not just the religious, so does this deed go against the the entirety of the Jewish people.

“These people should be deported from the country. If we don’t deal with this and find the parties responsible, we shall find ourselves at the brink of disaster. “

Police said that they regard the incident with great severity. “This is slanderous graffiti, with Nazi characteristics, sprayed in the city’s center of all places. In light of past incidents of this nature in Petah Tikva we are deploying reinforcements in an effort to catch the culprits,” a police statement said.

“We are unclear as yet of the perpetrators’ identity but this constitutes a violation of a holy place and it does not appear to be a prank. Whoever did this knew what he was doing and where to go to commit the act.”


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