The Nazi connection of the anti-Israeli expert

Human Rights Watch
Marc Garlasco, the senior military analyst in the human rights organization “

Human Rights Watch

” (HRW), is an enthusiastic collector of Nazi souvenirs and a regular participant of the Nazi collectors’ forums; he has even written a large book on this subject.

Garlasco controversial hobby has been revealed yesterday in the
Mere Rhetoric blog. The blog managed to match data from Garlasco’s open biography and from a surfer who used the nickname Flack88, under the name of the German anti-aircraft canon. This surfer displayed much interest and knowledge in the collection of Nazi artifacts. Some of the blog’s members came to believe that, in the light of the overlapping data, both figures – the real one and the one in the internet – might be the same person.

The blog’s search showed that Flak88 uses to collect various Nazi artifacts, such as medals and emblems, and to display their photos on the forums of similar collectors. In 2007, Flak88 displayed a post in one of the sites, entirely dedicated to the Wehrmacht, the Nazi army. “Friends“, he wrote, “this year, I have been lucky and I have collected several items. I had most of them. I hope you enjoy the pictures.”

Flack88 enclosed some medals and documents that certify the authenticity of the artifacts. Besides, Flack88 wrote a large book including over 400 pages about the collection of Nazi artifacts. The book is been sold in the Nazi collection forums for the sum of 100 dollars.

Emma Daly, the HRW communication director, has confirmed that Flak88 and Marc Garlasco are one person; however, she has clarified that the organization rejects the hints regarding Garlasco tendencies. “Garlasco is not a pro-Nazi“, said Daly; “these accusations are monstrous. He does not deal with Nazi artifacts collections. Garlasco is a student in military history and he shows interest in military history.”

סמלים ועיטורים נאציים, מתוך האוסף של מארק גרלסקו

Professor Gerald Stein, the president of the
NGO Monitor Organization,
who has published, yesterday, the information about Garlasco, believes that there is a direct connection between the reports he writes and his hobby.

HRW is an organization that is considered as very prestigious and very moral“, said Steinberg; “it lead the attacks against Israel, on the ground of violation of human rights, but some of the senior members of this organization have an anti-Israeli ideological background. We see that clearly with Garlasco.”

Garlasco himself reacted with some laconism: “I would have reacted, but I do not want to encourage them“, wrote Garlasco under his nickname Flak88; “however, I doubt whether they have read my book. This is mostly linked to my work.”


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