Germany – Germany’s anti-Nazi cleaning lady

A Berlin woman is waging a lone campaign against neo-Nazi graffiti, armed with a scraper and nail-varnish remover. Irmela Mensah-Schramm, 63, removes swastikas and racist stickers from lampposts and walls across the city. It’s an endless battle against neo-Nazi youths, passersby who file legal complaints, and above all indifference.


She walks down the streets inspecting street signs and lampposts, armed with a large camera dangling from her neck and a white cloth bag with the words “Fight Nazis” emblazoned on it in big letters.


Mensah-Schramm says she has removed more than 80,000 stickers and daubings in the last 23 years, far-right, homophobic, antisemitic or racist slogans.

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