Facebook drops group inciting to kill Jews

The popular social-networking Web site Facebook has removed a page that called for the murder of Jews, after receiving a query on the matter from The Jerusalem Post.

The page, which belonged to a group that called itself “antisemitism,” listed dozens of members under a tagline that said, “We hate Jews so we must kill them.”

It also contained a photo album labeled “we must kill the Jews” which contained numerous anti-Semitic images.

Contacted by the Post on Monday, Facebook took down the page within hours of receiving the inquiry.

“The page you reference does in fact violate our policies and has been removed,” Elizabeth Linder, a spokesman for Facebook, told the Post via e-mail, adding that, “It would be fair to say that the page was removed after you brought it to our attention.”

“We take our Terms of Use policy very seriously, and react quickly to take down groups that violate our terms,” she said.

Linder stressed that the site tries “to strike a very delicate balance” between “giving Facebook users the freedom to express their opinions and beliefs, while also ensuring that individuals and groups of people do not feel threatened or endangered.”

“Specifically, we are sensitive to groups that threaten violence towards people and these groups are taken down,” she said. “We also remove groups that express hatred towards individuals and groups that are sponsored by recognized terrorist organizations.”

However, she was quick to note, those who “speak out against countries, political entities or ideas” are not subject to being banned from the Web site.

Source: http://www.jpost.com/

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