Israel – Lieberman: Modern antisemitism denies Israel’s existence

Avigdor Lieberman Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday that “classic anti-Semitism, alongside Iranian funding and Islamic antisemitism, are being used to inflame hatred against Jews, but also to delegitimize the State of Israel.”

Speaking at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism in Jerusalem, the foreign minister said that this has become a complex attack, which has drawn the attention of antisemitic organizations across the world.

“Those who are behind this have crossed the line. They are seeking to destroy the Jewish country one piece after another. They deny the Jewish people’s right to self-definition, call for academic boycotts and economic sanctions, and are gaining support among political elements across the world,” he stated.

“Their stance is pure hypocrisy,” Lieberman accused. “Only recently we saw how human rights organizations have been working vigorously to deny Israel’s legitimacy by getting the UN Security Council to adopt the Goldstone Report.”

He also mentioned Iran: “It’s scary that only several decades after the Holocaust, we see an incident in which a country supports antisemitism. Iran denies the Holocaust, calls for Israel’s destruction and seeks to obtain a nuclear weapon. All this reminds us of what happened 70 years ago.”

The foreign minister added that “this is an example of the hypocrisy of organizations that are obsessed with undermining the State of Israel’s right to exist, 60 years after the Holocaust.

“Modern antisemitism has put on the form of being anti-Israel and hating Zionism and the State of Israel. Instead of saying ‘throw the Jews into the sea’ – they talk about a world without Zionism and without Israel.”


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