Moldova – Moldovan church blames Jews for menorah incident

The official reaction of the Moldovan Orthodox Church to anantisemitic protest in Chisinau led by an Orthodox priest singled out the Jewish community for criticism.

“We believe that this unpleasant incident in the center of the capital could have been avoided if the menorah had been placed near a memorial for victims of the Holocaust,” the church’s statement said, add ingthat the church disagreed “with the form of protest chosen by the believers who gathered there” and that the church respects “the feelings and belief of other cults that are legally registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and expects a similar attitude from their side.”

“At the same time, we think it inappropriate to put a symbol of the Jewish cult in a public place connected to the history and faith ofour people, especially because Hannukah is classified by the cult books of Judaism as a ‘holiday of blessing’ that symbolizes the victory of Jews over non-Jews.”


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