Baseless organ theft claims spread on the Internet

A modern day blood libel put by forward by the antisemitic group ZUBR (Union of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia) has been picked up and spread around the internet as a factual news piece.

The ridiculous accusation was based on the allegations of an “anonymous Ukrainian citizen”, who allegedly went to find a group of Ukrainian children adopted by Israeli Jews, but found nothing except for leads pointing to hospitals.

Iranian state run Press TV put out an article titled “Ukrainian kids, new victims of Israeli organ theft,” which presents this absurd accusation as a factual report. The news article even put an untitled picture of doctors holding handling something resembling an organ. The text next to it states that “An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.”

The story has been reprinted on various white supremacist websites such as Stormfront. It can also been found on many Muslim news and community sites, such as the British Columbia based Al Ameen Post and Islamonline from Dubai.

This, however, is not the first article put out by Press TV that accuses Israel and the Jews of organ theft. A Press TV article this past September baselessly accused a “Jewish gang” of being involved in kidnapping Algerian for their organs. In what seems to be the agency’s formula for accusing Jews of organ theft, the article began the following words: “An international Jewish conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Israeli plot to harvest organs from Algerian children.”

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